Consumer Behavior

Paper Code: 
BSR 217
Contact Hours: 
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The objective of the course is to help the students understand the buying motives and the consequent purchase decision process of a buyer. It helps understand the consumer psychology and the factors influencing buying decisions


Consumer behaviour: Definition, concepts, importance, Consumer research: Meaning, Consumer research process, Difference between quantitative & qualitative research Market segmentation: Definition, importance, bases of segmentation


Psychological Factors: Consumer motivation: Meaning, Motivation process, Types of motivation (Negative, Positive), Buying motives (Rational Vs. Emotional motives), Defense mechanisms, Maslow’s need hierarchy model Personality: Meaning, Nature, Theories of personality (Freudian theory, Non-Freudian theory, Trait theory) Learning: Meaning, Classical conditioning model, Instrumental conditioning model


Social factors: Reference groups: Meaning, Types of reference groups (Normative, Comparative, Indirect), Selected consumer related reference groups (Friendship groups, Shopping groups, Work groups, Virtual groups, Consumer-action groups), Celebrities, Expert, Common man, Company executive, Trade/Spokes character Family: Meaning, Types (Nuclear, Extended, Single parent), Functions of family, Family life cycle Social class: Meaning, Social class categories, Measurement of social class (Subjective, Reputational & Objective measures), Social class mobility (Upward, Downward)


Cultural factors Culture: Meaning, Levels of subjective culture (Supranational, National, Group Culture), Characteristics Sub-culture: Meaning, categories of subculture (Nationality, Religious, Geographical, Racial, Age, Gender categories of subculture)


Post Purchase behaviour: Behaviour related to purchase, Post purchase evaluation (Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, dissonance), Product disposition

Essential Readings: 

1. Schiffman, Leon G., and Kanuk, Leslie Lazar, Consumer behaviour, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi 2. Solomon, Michael R., Consumer behavior: Buying, Having and Being, Delhi, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Indian branch. 3. Loudon, David L. and Bitta, Albert J. Della, Consumer behavior, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.


1. Nair, Suja R., Consumer behaviour – Text Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Chunawalla, S. A., Commentary on Consumer Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

Academic Year: