The objective of the course is to help the students understand the buying motives and the consequent purchase decision process of a buyer. It helps understand the consumer psychology and the factors influencing buying decisions
Consumer behaviour: Definition, concepts, importance, Consumer research: Meaning, Consumer research process, Difference between quantitative & qualitative research Market segmentation: Definition, importance, bases of segmentation
Psychological Factors: Consumer motivation: Meaning, Motivation process, Types of motivation (Negative, Positive), Buying motives (Rational Vs. Emotional motives), Defense mechanisms, Maslow’s need hierarchy model Personality: Meaning, Nature, Theories of personality (Freudian theory, Non-Freudian theory, Trait theory) Learning: Meaning, Classical conditioning model, Instrumental conditioning model
Social factors: Reference groups: Meaning, Types of reference groups (Normative, Comparative, Indirect), Selected consumer related reference groups (Friendship groups, Shopping groups, Work groups, Virtual groups, Consumer-action groups), Celebrities, Expert, Common man, Company executive, Trade/Spokes character Family: Meaning, Types (Nuclear, Extended, Single parent), Functions of family, Family life cycle Social class: Meaning, Social class categories, Measurement of social class (Subjective, Reputational & Objective measures), Social class mobility (Upward, Downward)
Cultural factors Culture: Meaning, Levels of subjective culture (Supranational, National, Group Culture), Characteristics Sub-culture: Meaning, categories of subculture (Nationality, Religious, Geographical, Racial, Age, Gender categories of subculture)
Post Purchase behaviour: Behaviour related to purchase, Post purchase evaluation (Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, dissonance), Product disposition
1. Schiffman, Leon G., and Kanuk, Leslie Lazar, Consumer behaviour, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi 2. Solomon, Michael R., Consumer behavior: Buying, Having and Being, Delhi, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Indian branch. 3. Loudon, David L. and Bitta, Albert J. Della, Consumer behavior, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
1. Nair, Suja R., Consumer behaviour – Text Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Chunawalla, S. A., Commentary on Consumer Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai