The course is aimed at creating awareness about the legal and technical aspects relating to the operational know how's of companies in India. The syllabus has been framed on the guidelines of the latest companies Act,The Companies Act 2013.
Definition and Provisions relating to: Key managerial personnel, Directors, Board of Directors, Managing Director, Whole-time Director, Manager, Independent Directors, Woman Directors(as per Companies Act,2013) Position, Powers, Liabilities, Appointment and Removal of Company Directors
Company Secretary, position in company, importance,liabilities and duties of company secretary,Secretarial Audit (Definition)
Secretarial functions with regards to: • Allotment of shares • Forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares • Payment of dividend • Transfer and Transmission of shares
Secretarial functions and concepts of : • Company meetings (Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting, Statutory meeting) • Resolutions, Notices, Agenda, Quorum, Minutes, Proxy
Provisions introduced in The Companies Act,2013, Corporate Social Responsibility, Shareholder’s Democracy, Fraud. Preliminary introduction of various committees-Audit committee,nomination and remuneration committee,stakeholders relationship committee,Corporate Social Responsibility committee
1. Majumdar, A.K. and Kapoor, G.K., Student’s guide to Company Law, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi 2. Singh, Avtar, Indian Company Law, Eastern Book Company
1. Nolakha, R.L., Company Law, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur 2. Krishnamurti, D.S.R., Company Law, Taxmann, New Delhi. 3. Mathew, M.J., Company Law, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur