Company Law

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to instil comprehensive understanding and appreciation of corporate governance, structures, and protocols, including company laws, types, memoranda, articles, prospectuses, meetings, and committees.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title



Company Law




CO109: Create an insight about the fundamental concept and basic features of the Company form of Business.

CO110: Determine the Procedure and know-how’s of registering a Company in India also to comprehend and appropriately use the basic legal documents essential for operations and management of company.

CO111: Analyze various administrative positions in Indian companies and provisions related to them

CO112: Examine various secretarial functions and to discover provisions relating to them, also to Explore about different type of company meetings and provisions required for holding a valid company meeting.

CO113: Apply provisions of the Companies Act, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), shareholder democracy, and committee functionalities, fostering corporate governance and compliance.

CO114: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation) /Discussions using Leading Case laws


Learning activities for the students:

Role Play activities/ Moot Court/Group Discussions/ Class presentation 


Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, C A Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Introduction to Company
  • Definition and essential characteristics.
  • Lifting of corporate veil- under statutory provisions and under judicial interpretations.                                                                  Classification of companies
    • Public Company·     
    •   Private Company(Definition, characteristics, 
    •  Privileges and Concessions to Private Companies   
    •  One-person Company (Definition &Features)
    •   Dormant Company
    •   Small Company
    •  Government Company
    • Foreign Company
    •   Holding and subsidiary Company
    • Section 8 Company


Unit II: 
Incorporation and formation of a company
  • Registration Procedure, Promoters-functions, duties and liabilities
  • Memorandum of Association- (Definition, Clauses)
  • Articles of Association
  • Prospectus: Definition, Contents, Provisions regarding issue of Prospectus, kinds of Prospectus (Abridged Prospectus, Shelf Prospectus, Deemed Prospectus, Information Memorandum, Red-Herring Prospectus), Statement in lieu of prospectus
  • Concepts of shares,
  • Types of shares (Equity shares, Preference shares),
  • Debentures, Types of debentures
  • Winding Up of Company


Unit III: 
Membership in a company


  • Meaning, difference between a member and shareholder

               Definition and Provisions relating to:

  • Key managerial personnel, Directors, Board of Directors, Managing Director, Manager, Independent Directors, Woman Directors Position, Powers, Liabilities, Appointment and Removal of Company Directors.

              Company Secretary

  • Position in company, importance, liabilities, Duties of company secretary.
Unit IV: 
Secretarial functions with regards to
  • Allotment of shares
  • Forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares
  • Declaration and Payment of dividend
  • Transfer and Transmission of shares
  • Company meetings (Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting)
  • Basic Provisions relating to -Resolutions, Notices, Agenda, Quorum, Minutes, Proxy


Unit V: 
Provision relating to

·         Corporate Social Responsibility, Shareholder’s Democracy, Fraud.

     Preliminary introduction of various committees-

·         Audit committee,

·         Nomination and remuneration committee,

·         Stakeholders relationship committee,

  Corporate social responsibility committee.

Essential Readings: 
  • Majumdar, A. K. and Kapoor, G. K., Student’s guide to Company Law. Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi
  • Singh, A. Indian Company Law. Eastern Book Company
  • Nolakha, R.L., Company Law. Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur



  • Datey, V.S., Business and Corporate Laws, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi.
  • Kuchhal, MC, Company Law and Secretarial Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
  • Krishnamurti, D.S.R., Company Law, Taxmann, New Delhi





  • The Indian Journal of Commerce
  • IUP Journal of Corporate Governance




Academic Year: