Business Organization

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of the course is to equip the students with the knowledge of the activities and functions of a Business Organization in an ever changing Business scenario.



Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

Com 302

Business Organization

  1. Provides the knowledge of different forms of Business Organisations
  2. Acquaint the students with the importance and sources of business finance needed to run any business organisation.
  3. Discuss the Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation on Indian economy 
  4. Provide knowledge about the importance and functions of Stock exchange and SEBI
  5. Impart the knowledge and utility of different forms of Business combinations.

Approach in teaching: classroom lectures using Powerpoint presentation.

Learning activities for the students:

Group discussion, Case studies, Assignments, ppt presentations

Class assignments, presentations, Classroom  activity, C.A. test, Semester End Examinations.



Concept of Business Organization, Classification of Business Organizations, Establishment of business organization (steps and consideration)


Business Finance: Need, Sources, Importance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Rationale, Arguments against and in favour


Stock Exchange: Meaning, Importance ,Functions, SEBI—Functions and Role


Economic Liberalization: Objectives, Measures Industrial policy:  Objectives, Importance, Industrial Policy-1991, Globalization-Concepts



Business Combinations: meaning, Features, Importance, Disadvantages, Types and Forms

Essential Readings: 

1.      Gupta, C. B., Business Organization, S.Chand, NewDelhi

2.      Weihrich, Heinz and Koontz, Harold, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill, New York

3.      Sharma, Badaya, Vyas, Jain, Business Organization, Ajmera Book Company





1.      Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, Management Challenges for 21st Century, Harper Collins, USA.

2.      Luthans, Fred, Organization Behaviour, McGraw Hill, New York

3.      Allen, Louis A., Management and Organization, McGraw Hill, New York

4.      Ansoff, H., The New Corporate Strategy, Wiley.

5.      Hampton, David R., Modern Management, McGraw-Hill


Academic Year: