Business Research: Introduction to SPSS

Paper Code: 
ATG / BSG / FSG 125
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable students to -

  1. Familiarize participants with Statistical packages i.e. IBM  SPSS. 
  2. Impart knowledge for enabling students to develop data analytics skills and meaningful interpretation to the data sets so as to solve the business/Research problem.




Learning outcome


(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

ATG / BSG / FSG 125

Introduction to SPSS


The students will be able to


CO21: Have basic knowledge on qualitative research techniques .

CO22: Have adequate knowledge on measurement & scaling techniques as well as the quantitative data analysis.

CO23: Have basic awareness of data analysis-and hypothesis testing procedures      

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation, Giving tasks

Quiz, test, assignments and viva-voce


Unit I: 

Introduction to SPSS: Creating a data file, defining variables, Data Entry, inserting variable, measurement scales, inserting cases, identifying duplicate cases, sorting cases, merging & splitting files, select case.

Unit II: 

Managing Data: Missing data, compute variable, recode variable, rank cases, Weighted Cases, . Frequencies, Descriptive, Cross Tabs, Exploratory, Custom Tables.

Unit III: 

Visual Statistics using SPSS: Line Chart, Pie chart , Bar Chart, Histograms & standard Normal curve, Box Plots, outliers, Scatter plot, P-P plot, Q-Q plot, Editing graphs and Axes.

Unit IV: 

Descriptive Statistics using SPSS: Measures of central tendency, variability, deviation from normality, confidence level, Confidence Intervals, Power of the test, Normal Curve, Normality Test, Reliability Analysis.

Unit V: 

Bi variate Correlation using SPSS: Bi variate Correlation, Partial Correlations and the correlation matrix.

Essential Readings: 

1. James B Cunningham ,Using SPSS: An interactive hands- on Approach, Peacock publisher, 3rd Edition. 2. A. Rajathi& P. Chandran , SPSS for You, mjp publishers. 3. Seyed Reza HashemianRahaghi, Farnaz Abed Ashtiani , Basic of Statistics & SPSS, create space independent publishing platform. 4. Robert H. Carver , Doing Data Analysis with SPSS version 18.0, Cengage publishers. 5. S. Ajai Gaur , Statistical methods for practice & research: A guide to Data Analysis using SPSS, Sage Publishers. Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.

Academic Year: