Paper Code: 
BSG 421
Contact Hours: 
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Course Outcomes

Course outcome

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

The students will be able to –


CO91: Categorize advertising on various basis and linking its importance with customers, ad agency, society and the company.

CO92: Develop an idea of strategic and tactical level decisions involved in development of an advertisement and its scheduling, copy elements, message design and its evaluation.

CO93: Devise decisions with respect to the media mix on the basis of advertising budget available and correlate the various factors affecting the advertising budget.

CO94: Value the ethical issues in advertising, criticize and defend the economic as well as social aspects of advertising  


CO95: Value the role of advertising agency in the formation of an ad.

CO96: Measure the effectiveness of advertising with the help of various tests, explain the legal aspects of advertising and debate the current trends in the advertising industry.

Interactive Lectures, Theory supported with companies’ case examples, Class discussions using advertisements from newspapers, magazines, web sources, television etc. , PPT, Sharing web links. Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation, Real life examples from newspapers, business magazines and web sources. case study discussions. 

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
  • Advertising: Concept, Objectives, Benefits to-Manufacturers, Consumers, Salesman/Distributors & Society, Classification, Functions, Process,
  • Advertising Vs Personal Selling, Advertising Vs Sales Promotion, 5 M’s of Advertising.


Unit II: 
  • Advertising Media:  Types, Advantages & Disadvantages.
  • Media Selection, Planning, Scheduling, and Strategy.
  • Creativity in Advertising (Creative Design Process)
  •  Advertising Message: Steps for creating advertising message (Concept of Copy, Copy elements (Print, Radio, Television & Social Media), , Copy Writing and Copy Research, Message: Design and Evaluation 


Unit III: 
  • Advertising Budget: Concept & Methods (Percentage of Sales, Competitive Parity, Objective & Task, Affordable, Judgement, Increase over last year’s Budget, Return on Investment, Statistical, Marginal Revenue) , Process, Factors affecting the advertising budget.
  • Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising


Unit IV: 
  • Advertising Agency : Concept, Functions, Benefits ( To Clients & To Media), Types, Selection of an Ad Agency, Organization of Ad Agency , Agency-client relationship, Methods of remunerations to ad agency(Commission System, Fee System, Service Charges).
  • Ad Agency in India
  • Role of ASCI


Unit V: 
  • Measuring Advertising effectiveness: Importance, DAGMAR, Various Techniques Pre test Methods (Consumer Jury Test, Trial Area Test, Eye Movement Camera Test, Direct Mail Test, Laboratory Tests, Theatre Test, Advertising Concept) and Post test methods (Recognition test, Association test,  Sales Result test, Day after recall test, Inquiry test, Gallup and Robinson Recall Test, Split Runtest, Portfolio test)
  • Ethical Issues in Advertising
  • Legal aspects of advertising.
  • GAMA Portal : concept.
  •  Recent Trends Trends in Advertising


Essential Readings: 
  • Chunawalla, S.A., Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
  • Kazmi, S. H. H. and Batra, Satish K., Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books, New Delhi.
  • Batra, Rajeev, Myers, John G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising management, Pearson Education, Delhi.


  • Jethwaney ,J., Jain,S., Advertising Management, Oxford University Press,India.
  • Belch, George E, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective, McGraw Hill Companies.
  • Jefkins,F., Advertising , Pearson Education, Delhi.

Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.



  •         Hackley,C.,  Advertising and Promotion, Sage Publications, New Delhi




  • Indian Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • The Indian Journal of Commerce



Academic Year: