
Paper Code: 
BSR 111
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To develop a conceptual understanding of financial accounting system and their application in business


Preparation of Final Accounts Concept of Capital, Revenue and Deferred Revenue Expenditure, Opening Entries, Closing Entries, Adjustment Entries, Manufacturing, Trading and Profit and Loss Account (With Adjustment) and Balance Sheet.


Preparation of Accounts from Incomplete Records (Single Entry System): Nature of Incomplete Records, Limitations of the Single Entry System, Ascertainment of Profit or Loss, Difference between Double Entry System and Single Entry System


Joint Venture Accounts-Features of a Joint Venture, Methods of keeping accounts, Conversion of Consignment into Joint Venture


Consignment Accounts-Accounting for consignment in the books of consignor and consignee, Normal Loss and Abnormal Loss of good sent on consignment, Accounting for Goods sent on consignment at mark up price, Valuation of Closing Stock, Del Creder Commission and Bad Debts


Sectional and Self Balancing System: The Nature of Ledgers, Sectional Balancing System, Self Balancing System Recent trends of accounting: Theoretical concepts of Green accounting, carbon credit accounting, robotic accounting, forensic accounting

Essential Readings: 

1. Financial Accounting-R.L Gupta, V.K Gupta( Sultan Chand& Sons) 2. Modern Accountancy-A Mukharjee, M Hanif. (Tata Mc- Graw-Hill) 3. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting- Dr Ashok Sehgal, Dr Deepak Sehgal (TaxMann’s) 4. Financial Accounting- Jain, Khandelwal Pareek( Ajmera Book Company


1. Accountancy- PC Tulsian (Tata Mc- Graw-Hill) 2. Accountancy-DK Goel, Rajesh Goel(Arya Publications) 3. An Introduction to Accountancy- S.N Maheshwari(Vikash Publishers) 4. Fundamental of Accounting-Dr T P Ghosh,(Sultan Chand& Sons) Note- The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless

Academic Year: