To provide candidates with the fundamental skills in research design and analysis necessary for making sound marketing decisions
Store Design: Meaning, Objectives of Store Design, Store Exterior and Interior, Color planning
Store Layout: Types, Key factors for developing a layout. Space planning & space performance measures, Planogram
Visual Merchandising: Meaning, Visual merchandising techniques, types of display, fixtures, essentials of good visual merchandising
Pilferage: Concept of Pilferage, Pilferage Handling Shoplifting: Concept of Shoplifting, Methods of Shoplifting, Anti-Shoplifting Techniques, Employee theft
Store Security:Introduction, Objectives, Security Process in Different Situations.
1. Swapnapradhan, Retail Management, McGraw Hill 2. Berman and Evans, Retail Management- A strategic approach, MacMillan Publishing Company. 3. Levy and Weitz, Retail Management Tata McGraw Hilice-Hall of India, New Delhi
1. Chetan Singh, Rajneesh Tuli, Nidhi V. Srivastava, Retail Management, Oxford University Press 2. Retail Management, ICFAI Press 3. Andrew J. Newman, Retailing: Environment and Operations, Cengage learning, Delhi. 4. S.K. Baral, S.C. Bihari, Retail Management Text &Cases,A.I.T.B.S. Publishers, Delhi