The course will enable students to -
Course |
Learning outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
BSG 321 |
Marketing Management (Theory ) |
The students will be able to –
CO49: To familiarize the students with the fundamentals of marketing to enable them to take better marketing decisions. CO50: To discuss and make the students understand the nuances and complexities involved then in various product and pricing decisions. CO51: To equip the students to take effective distribution decisions for product and services. CO52: To develop the skills among the students to enable them to design the promotion mix strategies advertising campaigns. CO53: To make the students aware about the current trends in marketing to enable them to take proactive measures while taking marketing decisions. |
Approach in teaching: Classroom Lectures, Discussion, PPT, Sharing web links, Videos .
Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation, case study, Group discussions. |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Concept, nature, scope and importance
Marketing Mix -Concept, Importance and components Marketing environment- micro and macro environment and their impact on Marketing decisions; Market Segmentation – Concept and Importance; Basis and Factors determining the Choice of Basis; Market Targeting and positioning strategies
Concept, Definition, New Product Development, Product line policies and strategies, Product Life Cycle and Strategies, Branding, Packaging and other product features (only concepts). Price: Factors affecting price determination; Process, methods Pricing Policies and Strategies
Nature, Functions, Types of distribution channel; factors affecting the choice of distribution channels, Retailing and wholesaling; meaning, nature, significance and factors affecting the choice of physical distribution
Promotion: Advertising, personal selling, sales-promotion, publicity and public relations.
Meaning, nature and importance, Factors influencing buyer behaviour , Buyer decision process .
Marketing Organistaion- Types and factors affecting the designing of a marketing organisation
Marketing Control - Objectives, benefits, process and techniques.
Social, ethical and legal aspects of Marketing; Marketing of Services-Banking, Transport and Insurance; International Marketing; Green marketing; Cyber Marketing; Relationship Marketing and other developments in Marketing
E‐Marketing : Meaning , Objectives, Importance and advantages ; e‐retailing practices, On‐line merchandising