The students would be able to acquire knowledge related to functions associated with banking and banking services and technology.
Banks- Meaning, Types of Banks, Functions, Importance and credit creation. Banking Products and Services –Types of Deposits and retail loans.
RBI- Management and Administration, Functions, Credit control measures.
Banker- Customer Relationship- Definition, Types of relationship, Banker right and garnishee order.
Innovative Banking - Meaning, Significance and Features
Channels of Banking - ATM, internet, mobile, phone banking
Payment mechanism of Banks - cheques, demand drafts, NEFT, RTGS, ECS
Negotiable Instruments - Promissory note, Bills of Exchange and Cheque.- Concept, Feature, Parties, Types , Acceptance, Collection and Payment of Negotiable Instrument. Endorsement – Meaning and Types.
Presentment:- Meaning ,Purpose ( acceptance, sight & Payment)Time and place of Presentment.
Collection and Crossing:- Concept, Liabilities & duties of collecting banker and types of crossing.
An overview of third party products offered by Banks - mutual funds, insurance, gold and forex services.
Financial inclusion and literacy
Banking Regulation act 1949, RBI Act 1934 –Main Provisions KYC and ALM.
Customer Protection - Customer service guidelines of RBI and Banking ombudsman.
• P.N. Varshney, Banking law and Practice, Sultan chand and Sons, Delhi
• B.S. Khubehandani, Practice and Law of Banking, MacMillian India Limited
• Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi.
• Natarajan S, Parameshwaran R, “ Indian Banking” S.Chand & Company LTD, New Delhi
• Davar S.R., Banking Law & Practice, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi
• Shrivastava P.K.,Banking Law & Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay
• Shrivastava R.S., Nigam Divya, Management of Indian Financial Institutions” Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
• Tannan M.L.,Banking Law and Practice, Indian Law House, Delhi
• Bhole, L. M., Financial Markets and Institutions, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
• Ghosh, D ., Banking Policy in India, Allied Publications, Delhi