The Course aims at providing the overview of the functional aspect of the Human Resource Management in a business organization.
Human Resource Management Concepts, difference between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management, Functions of Human Resource manager
Human Resource planning, Recruitment, Selection, process, source, types of tests & interviews, placement & induction
Employee training concepts, types of training, training process, methods
Employee compensation, methods, rewards and incentives, fringe benefits
Performance appraisal concepts, process, methods, problems, Transfers and Promotions
1. Edwin B. Flippo, Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill International Book Co., New York.
2. C. B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
3. Rao, VSP, Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
1. C. B. Mamoria, and S.V. Gankar, A Text book ofHuman Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
2. K. Ashwathappa, Human Resources and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi
3. P.S. Subba Rao, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai