To analyse and demonstrate the practical and real aspects of Business , economy and Taxation
Project file which contains solution of practical problems related to
• Income from Salary
• Income from House Property
• Income from Business & Profession
Through this practical students can acquire a skill to distinguish roles and purposes of organizations and companies and be in a better position to shoulder their responsibilities in a fast changing Competitive Corporate World.
Practical Contents:-
1. Take a group of 15 companies and classify them on the following basis
• Classification on the basis of size
• Classification on the basis of ownership (Private Company, Public Company, Cooperative Societies, Joint Sector etc.)
2. Make a project giving the real examples of how the various companies are bearing their Corporate Social Responsibility and the others who are not.
The Objective of this practical is to connect the theoretical concepts and learning to applied aspect of the subject and bridge the gap between theory and corporate world practices. This paper aims at helping the students learn to fulfill various types of documentation formalities required under the Indian Companies Act, 1956.
Practical Contents
Student should be acquainted with the importance and filling procedure of the following documents related to a company:~
• Form 1: Application and declaration of Compliance for registration/incorporation of a new company
• Form 1A: Application form for availability or change of name
• Form 1B: Application for approval of the Central Government for change of name or conversion of a Public company into a Private company
• Form 18: Notice of the situation/change of situation of registered office
• Form 37: Application by an existing joint stock company or by an existing company (not being a joint stock company) for registration as a public limited or private limited or an unlimited company
To acquaint the students with practical aspects of Financial Management.
A Project file and presentation to be prepared by the student on any one of the following topics:-
• A compared profitability ratio analysis of any two firms will be prepared on the basis of research by the student.
• A project report containing the data relating to the various sources of finance of any firm will be prepared by the student.