To enable the researchers to identify problems for marketing decision making, design a research, collect data, analyze and write a report.
Role of marketing research in decision making, Different types of Marketing Research, The marketing research process, Designing a marketing research proposal, Research Design: An Overview
Primary and Secondary data, Methods of Primary data collection, Qualitative Research, Observation Studies, Surveys and Interviews, Questionnaires and Instruments, Experiments and Test Markets, Types of Secondary data, Selection of Appropriate Method for Data collection, Process and Analysis of data: Processing Operations, Measurement in Research, Measurement Scales, Sources of Error in Measurement scales, Meaning and Classification of Scaling, Attitude Scaling Techniques
Meaning and Characteristics of Sampling, Steps in Sampling design, Types of sampling: probability and non-probability sampling, random, stratified random, systematic, cluster, multistage sampling, Criteria for Selecting Sampling Procedure, Determining Sample Size
Overview of tabulation and analysis, Data preparation and Description, Exploring, Displaying and Examining Data, Hypothesis Testing, t-test, F- test, Chi-square test, Analysis of Variance and Co-Variance, Z-test. Multivariate Analysis Techniques, Measures of Association, Presenting Insights and Findings, Significance of Report writing, Process of report writing, Mechanics of writing a research report
Identifying market segments, Research design for segmentation models, Market segmentation and the research process, Product research, Advertising research-purposes and procedures, Market and Sales Analysis research
Essential readings:
Reference books: