Meaning and Definition, Selling vs. Marketing, Nature and Scope of Marketing, Core Marketing Concepts, Marketing Philosophies, Marketing-Mix Strategy, Marketing Environment Analysis, Marketing Management Tasks, Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans, Consumer Behaviour Influences and Buying Decision Process
Marketing Research Process, Importance and Application, Levels and Bases of Market Segmentation, Selecting Market Segments and Targeting, Developing and Communicating Positioning Strategy
Product Life-Cycle Marketing Strategies, Product Characteristics and Classifications, Concept of Product-Mix, Product-Line Decisions, Branding, Brand Management, Brand Equity, Packaging and Labelling, New Product Development Process
Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, Sales-Promotion, Public Relations and Personal Selling, Role of Marketing Channels, Channel-Design Decisions, Channel-Management Decisions, Channel Integration and Systems, Channel Conflict and Co-operation
Identifying and Analyzing Competitors, Competitive Strategies for Market Leaders and Challengers, Marketing Organisation, Control of Marketing Operations, Objectives, Benefits and Techniques, Customer Relationship Management
Essential readings:
Reference books: