To create an understanding in the students regarding laws governing.
Overview of Information Technology Act 2000 : Pre IT Act 2000 Scenario, reason for special act creation for It Act 2000, statement of objective, Critiques for the act,
Application of IT Act : Extra Territorial effect, digital Signature – controller of certifying authorities, license to issue digital signature certificates.
It Act and e – Governance : Functional Equivalence Approach, legal recognition of electronic records , Legal recognition to digital signature, Use of electronic record & digital signature in government & its agencies, retention of electronic records.
Adjudication & Penalties under IT Act : Adjudicating Officer, cyber regulation appellate tribunal. Penalties, offences and investigation under the law
Guidelines issues by various ministries: Broadband Policy 2004, Domain Policy Framework, Guidelines for Setting up of International Gateways for Internet
· David Whiteley, E-Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill
· T.N. Chhabra, R.K.Suri, E-Commerce new vistas for business, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
· Eframi Turban, Jae Lee, David King, K. Michale Chung, Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education
· Agarwal, K.N. and Deeksha Agarwal ,Business on the net, Macmillan, New Delhi
Gulshan Kapoor: Business Law, New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers.
· Maheshwari&Maheshwari: Principle of Mercantile Law, National Publishing Trust
Rohini Aggarwal: Mercantile & Commercial Law, Taxmann.