To create an understanding in the students regarding cyber technology, its hazards and social problems created by it.
E-Commerce : Evolution, Meaning, Types and Future of E-Commerce. Payment Mechanism in E-Commerce and its Future. E-Commerce as per IT Act,2000 (Elementary)
Digital Signature : Concept, Meaning, Reasons for adopting Digital Signature. How does a Digital Signature Works (Keys). Digital Signature as per IT Act,2000 (Elementary)
Advertising in E-Commerce: Meaning Forms of Online Advertising and Payment Structure in E-Advertising.
E- Consumers: Meaning, Support & Service, Caveat Emptor & E-Commerce. Online Contracts: Meaning, Nature, Forms and Features of Online Contracts(provisions of IT Act,2000Highlights only).
Legal Remedies : IT Act, 2000, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (Highlights)
· David Whiteley, E-Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill
· T.N. Chhabra, R.K.Suri, E-Commerce new vistas for business, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
· Eframi Turban, Jae Lee, David King, K. Michale Chung, Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education
· Agarwal, K.N. and Deeksha Agarwal ,Business on the net, Macmillan, New Delhi
Gulshan Kapoor: Business Law, New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers.
· Maheshwari&Maheshwari: Principle of Mercantile Law, National Publishing Trust
Rohini Aggarwal: Mercantile & Commercial Law, Taxmann.